Day: January 23, 2014

  • TUH, ions, and maybe rice

    Getting 'official' accounts set up for later, still have all my phalanges crossed I can roll this out like I planned, only it keeps getting bigger. Not going to be a quiet roll out that just springs forth, like I first envisioned. That was before I met all the people I know now. @XistentialAspie and @JanikaBanks are ready to go, and I'll get them linked into my dotcom sometime later this winter.

    I've been ignoring calls from my publisher again. I can tell they're not used to dealing with someone like me, acting a little frantic that I keep disappearing since we contracted at the end of August. They keep telling me the contract will be valid as long as I need to take, but they keep wanting to check up on me and push push push. Aaaaaand.... it really is time for me to push the final product out of my head now. I've got just about everything I need for final compilation edit, now what I really need is uninterrupted spacetime. Which will never happen in my universe. Burrito has a half birthday coming up, and it sounds like the cake might be getting baked at my house, not sure exactly when. Who started this half birthday stuff???  A pox on them.


    I was a scattered mess yesterday, even after all that sleep. Last night was like a train wreck trying to sleep. This morning is like waking up in a different century on a parallel earth after all the vivid dreams I had. I seem to do this every time we get a drastic temp drop. I blame the ions. Stuff like this is why I depend so heavily on my daily planning blog. Let's see, what is going on today?

    I've got just enough roast left to make a nice beef broccoli stir fry for supper, yum!  Time to sort laundry again. I appeased sumall with my all-day twitter romp yesterday, so maybe I can spend today gathering my stack of spirals and locking down my outline. I've changed it three times already. Time to commit.

    I am this kind of author. Click the pic to read it on pdf, it's cute & witty & dark. I have an Edward Gorey collection, love the guy. Some day I'd like to visit the Edward Gorey House.


    Time to GET TO WORK!


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January 2014
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