Pollen.com says juniper, elm, and maple are revving up. I'm already sneezing after briefly stepping outside. Might hafta go back on the zyrtec soon. Spring trees are the worst for me, generally lasts through May.
Starting to feel more on top of stuff, got a couple of beta readers started on homework assignments, getting back on track with my weekly radio listening schedule, getting past the latest PT and falling outside recovery, change and upheaval with burrito is settling back down into a new routine, feeling productive getting several work projects going again, crossing my fingers everything stays this smooth now till we're home from vacation in a couple of months. I know it's unlikely, given years of experience with continual abrupt interruptions, but still hopeful. I know I thrive under pressure, but I still dream of the sort of surrealism where I float through a whole week unaware of the time passing because I'm so engrossed in my own thing.
Gotta stay focused on my goals.