Day: March 4, 2014

  • the disaster of wrapping my brain around something

    I forgot to go to lab last Friday. Stuff still falls out of my brain sometimes, and when the freezing rain started I guess I didn't notice I missed something on my list. So today when I go in for PT I've gotta stop by lab for bloodwork checking for CA125. If I had gotten my certification I think I'd have liked to be a phlebotomist.


    This is the kind of veering off I do when I search bloodwork to see if it can be all one word even if my editor is having fits over it. Now I wanna see this movie. Wonder if people outside the U.S. think we really do secret sinister human testing over here, can't help noticing the release dates and alt film titles for other countries. Click to check it out.


    Not sure how I got off the beaten path so far into this one. Click for downloadable smiley gif packs.


    Ok, get a grip, wound up clear out here reading other people's stuff. I need to pull my head together or I'll have trubba getting out the door this morning. I like this one though, she's good, just click her sox. (See, sox really do work!)


    Not helping that I'm back in spaz mode from holding burrito so much this weekend, was up and down a bit last night with some fairly nasty head, neck, and jaw stuff. More ASTYM around my knee and leg today will be joyful by sheer comparison. But I'm digressing again, I need to grab my collar and fling myself across the room before I jaunt glibly back off into the ether.

    Of all the Star Trek stuffs out there, this series will always be my fave.

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March 2014
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