Day: March 19, 2014

  • it's a bossy Bradley day

    I've been crunching through this week like banshees are after me, slugging blankets and coats into the wash, curtains and rugs coming up. I am so done with winter. If it snows any more I'm closing all my blinds and putting my cute capris on and making milkshakes.


    Also been crunching through more code work, started tutorials on CSS, I'm such a lazy procrastinating slacker on that. Some buttons I crafted last year suddenly came in wonderfully handy, just another example of my erratic wandering into 'wasted' time beautifully plugging back into synchronous utility. Still seeing flaws, always that one pixel here or there that got missed. Those will get fixed. Mostly I just wanted the black/white motif in a specific size. Eventually I hope to black the gray out as well. So much slicker as in monotone on that page.


    Have to run to town today, major grocery restocking after a couple other errands. I haven't done BIG grocery shopping in a couple months, I think. My head is a CSS mess right now, no telling if I'll miss stuff on my list. I have a hard time coming back out after going in so deep. I'll be coasting on Bradley today. I let him boss me around when my head doesn't work.


    I hope he reminds me to get parmesan cheese. Scott had a fit because we ran out.

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March 2014
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