March 6, 2014

  • looks like my brain works just fine, despite the headache

    As sure as I say I'm going to take the day off and go back to bed after I finish my coffee, I'll be back up scrounging for a notebook to write something in, so I'm just going to carry the whole stack to bed with me. I have nearly 20 spirals going.

    I feel like I rode Thunderation 15 times and then got thrown out and run over.

    I haven't fallen this hard since 2008 when I busted my knee open, and I've never been checked for a concussion before, despite all the brain scans I've had. The worst of it so far is my jaw clenching from the full upper torso whiplash and it killing me to sit up because I wrenched my lower back and apparently nailed my tailbone and sacroiliac on the right side somehow going down. If you've never had your jaw clench for more than 24 hours, go you. Tis my fibro hell, years of experience, old stuff, and the best way to get through the rest of this week, since I can't do pills any more and a narcotic shot is contraindicated with head injury, is with ice packs, gentle stretching, good hydration, extra protein, and the awesome Primeval complete series with Andrew Lee Potts, BOOYA. Scary that the complete series is already over $250, reminds me of the old days in Lexx marketing when the company sold and suddenly it was out of print and super hard to get. But I was able to get region 1 in batches, thank goodness, still a bit expensive, but Andrew Lee Potts, people. Stolen Light Film follows me on twitter. I know, Americans probably don't think that's a big deal, but he's been cast in lead roles in the Syfy miniseries Alice with some pretty sweet names, and the Syfy original movie True Bloodthirst, also named Vampyre Nation. But I've been an Andrew fan since Primeval, which I've never seen from start to finish, just mostly seasons 3 & 4. If you're not yet a BBC fan, careful, you stick in a toe and you get sucked in up to your eyeballs before you can blink.


    I've actually got to get a little laundry done today, too. Out of pants.

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