Day: July 10, 2014

  • make it cheesy

    Big Brother Google is pushing me to put Adsense into my blogs. I don't know if their autobots are truly this sophisticated or someone was actually paid to read through my stuff (I pick bots), but this comment yesterday on a stupid whiny time-filler post I made last September wasn't subtle at all. And then I accidentally *liked* it while I was grabbing the snip. I am not among the 20% of customers who could spend more. I've done radio sales for ad space, this is pathetic. If a Google bot is going to solicit me for MONEY, I wanna be wined and dined in my comments, at least brush up the expertise and put in that missing period. But don't worry, I've spent money on my BLOGS keeping them AD FREE, if I spend money for better web traffic or to make more money, it's not going to blink in your eyeballs. I loathe ads, as a person with nerve damage, eye pain, and brain fog, and I will never submit my readers to something I don't like myself.


    In other fun goings on, @bonenado had a remarkably stupid morning.


    I couldn't help contributing to it when I finally woke up.



    If you guessed that his car died on the way to work, you get the gold star. I keep my phone on mute 23/7, but for some reason I was sleeping in really hard this morning and missed the incoming notifications. A coworker finally picked him up on the way in to work, so after work we'll be spending the evening hauling tools around and bringing a car home.

    We need something silly here now.

    Did I mention I wrote 5500 words yesterday? Scott said no beta readers on that bit, it's too rough to read by itself without more book around it. He said I would make a beta reader cry again. I have to lean on his judgement because I'm super aspie and can't tell what exactly triggers people, but apparently this whole bit is just too much. I may have to put disclaimer warnings on my book- DON'T READ THIS ALONE, SEVERE MOOD TRIGGERS, TAKE PRECAUTIONS.

    Ok, I need to wrap my brain around getting out the door to physical therapy this morning.

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July 2014
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