Day: July 9, 2014

  • bet you didn't notice the monkey wears a pink hat

    The other day I made a statement about twitter in which I shared my feelings about a business account being kinda rude. I seriously doubt the person or persons involved with that account read that post, but there have been interesting developments in the last 24 hours. The CEO herself of that business (which I actually think is really cool) followed me, and her following/follower ratio looks MUCH more promising, so I'm going to give it another go and list them. I really don't like nitpicking the same thing over and over, so if that one account drops back off again, I'll probably just ignore that, even though I'm still struggling with the stupid twitter 10% ceiling. That apparently doesn't stop just because you get over 2000 followers. I'm not sure when I'll be able to refollow all the people I unfollowed just to incorporate newbies coming on, but I refuse to mass dump people who aren't following me through an app. Who in their right mind would dump @BradleyJames in the twitter trash???  photo mad.gif Or @GroovyBruce?


    Anyhoo, if you guys wanna know what the big deal was all about, here you go, live and be well, and if you find yourself thinking that would be a neat thing to check out, here, check it out. No one is paying me to link them.

    On to my day. Here's a little TMI (too much information, in case you're the greenest noob on the interwebs), speaking confidentially to women who've been putting up with premenopausal symptoms since their frickin 30's, I just wanna let y'all know this hell never stops. I went over the line, was ~free and clear~ even on the blood tests a couple of years ago, *BOOM* last year full reversal, went through the whole ablation thing and even after that blood tests came back like I was in my 30's again. WTH???? "Oh, it can do that sometimes..."

    This is why they 1- either spay women or keep them on hormone therapy, and 2- put women on head meds. Aside from some of the worst cramps EVER (bloody hell, they get worse), you also go batshit crazy. I feel like I need some of Granny's medicine.

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