Day: April 2, 2014

  • alien bogeys

    The crazy nightmares I'm having on zyrtec just the last two nights. I think a seizure woke me up last night, was really weird. In my dream it was dark but I could see a little, I was trying to get into bed but a shadowy black disconnected hand floated right past my face at eye level sparking lightning all over the walls like a tesla coil, and suddenly one of my kids is in the bed wailing she’s gonna throw up, so I grab her to haul her out to puke on the floor and that’s when I woke up, and my right eye was sparking like mad, made the room seem like it was having strobe affects in the dark. Seeing a whole list of people in my search engine asking if zyrtec triggers seizures, so no zyrtec today. Chunking benadryl again. When I took zyrtec for a couple of weeks last summer and again over the winter I seemed to do ok except for a little water retention, don't know what's up with this crazy eye sparking in the night now. Might be a good idea not to push any extra coffee while I'm being careful, etc.


    Moving on. I'm a scattered mess, and I don't care. Any day in April that doesn't contain an allergy related asthma attack is a good day, so I'm not stressing about a thing. I will bumble around doing whatever I feel like and not worry about the cosmos having a countdown right now. 30 days. 30 DAYS. Ok, don't stress. Think other fun thoughts.

    Like burrito and zurrito bunnies!

    burritobunny zurritobunny

    Actually, I can think of all kinds of things to do today, I need to get busy.

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