Day: May 23, 2014

  • out of the way, coming through >=l


    Yes, it's THAT BAD.

    THAT. BAD.

    F bombs going off in my head. But this is way better than the sadness and depression stage I could be hitting.

    So I'm wrapping up just this incredibly challenging week with full intent to wrap up just this incredibly challenging final 5 weeks left of WORK, and have discovered that while I was on vacation, Xanga did another incredibly challenging code integration update THAT WIPED ALL MY VIDEOS FROM ALL MY POSTS BEFORE A CERTAIN RECENT DATE. Two years' of videos across multiple blogs and at least 300 posts (not counting all the previous blogs still held back in private), and meanwhile my blogs are actually revving up, visitors showing up from all over the world and particularly the Los Angeles area *omg*. What. perfect. timing.

    I have seriously never met anyone on the twitters who has gone through more stress than I have, freakishly working like the devil to keep my blogs alive and intact for the last 9 months during this godawful server migration (which I'm deeply thankful for as opposed to simply just losing all my work) while I'm simultaneously dealing with freakishly high pain levels (this week has been fairly hellish), AND working on getting a real book published WHILE both daughters went through pregnancies at the same time and popped out cute little spawn. And those are just the highlights.

    ***DEEP BREATH***

    I raced around first thing this morning getting my latest apparently now popular post updated (thanx to Russian fans on the other side of the world linking it ~love you guys~), and now I can officially restart my morning. I have less than 3 hours to get everything ready for another big trip to town, and I'm going to assume my day is going to suck and just roll with it. Some of my coolest creations have come out of the worst suck, so I've learned not to fall into the pity party hole without a parachute, a grapple hook and rope ladder, and if all else fails, flares so Scott can pull me out.

    Now I'm just stalling. Need to engage the brain. Later, guys.

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Dawn's blog  photo dawnsnip3.jpg

Vicki's blog  photo tryingnottowobble.jpg

Anonymous Aspie  photo aspieland.jpg

Fae & Friends  photo faeampfriends2.jpg

myke's place  photo syfydesignslogo.jpg

Nerd Movie  photo nerdmovie.jpg

Front and Center Promotions  photo frontandcenterlogo.jpg

Kirill Yarovoy  photo revivalcomingsoon.jpg

Little Lexx forum  photo lexxboredbutton.jpg

Lexxzone on Tumblr  photo lexxzonelogo.jpg

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May 2014
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