Day: June 9, 2014

  • Yablo's House

    Quick blast from my private blog past while I get ready to WORK. I wrote it while I was on vacation last year and had just found out about the Xanga migration.

    June 8, 2013

    Munching on Kroger popcorn chicken out of the microwave. YUM! 

    Having long slow thoughts about directions I want to take with my xanga stuff after I get home. Dan (TheTheologiansCafe) said the move would be seamless, and we’ll still be able to access our stuff (not sure I’d hold my breath), but no more blogging without paying. So my Lexx and bluejacky stuff would still be viewable by the public, BUT I’d lose view counts, premium perks like my custom module, probably even my personalized html, so my sites might actually look like crap after the move.

    I need a dotcom.

    I also need a blog completely free of anything xanga is doing, probably keep my yablovh over at wordpress for personal, etc.

    The dotcom can be the central hub and branch out to all my other stuff on the webs. Kinda wondering if I should rebuild Yablo’s House. 

    But first things first. Start salvaging everything I have on xanga as soon as I get home, then sift through it all and format my first book. I have till the middle of July for the salvage, and hopefully I can compile the book by my birthday (sadly, Xanga has severely jilted my work schedule), assuming I’ll be VERY interrupted with Twink having her baby. She has no one to help her at all after the birth, so we’ll be her support round the clock the first couple of weeks.

    Yablo's House was my very first fairly extensive website that I built on AOL Hometown. Hometown is all gone now, alas. That was before I knew about hit counters and stats, but I got feedback from real people, one of whom insisted my site was dangerous because a variety of gifs on one of the pages purportedly nearly produced seizures after it created a throbbing migraine. Since that person also mentioned her kid being hooked on the gaming and cartoon links I had set up, perhaps this was even an addiction problem. At any rate, Yablo's House was apparently a popular hangout for at least one of the locals, crack me up. I hope to rebuild one day, but not now, obviously in the middle of WORKWORKWORK with a deadline.

    If you are curious and disappointed and can't abide the thought of turning away just yet, check out this article about another famous Yablo, by Ebba Gullberg. Yes, I have read that entire article. Yes, I understood all of it. No, she is not talking about me.

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June 2014
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