June 8, 2014
Spock Shady
So in the last 8 days, 63 of my pages have come up in google search for a total of 881 search summary link views and 13 actual clicks to my stuff.
This is over 3 months. You can see I get vastly more search views for my Weird Al links than anything else I've ever created, and bluejacky is my top blog for search engine queries.
I've always known a lot of people see my stuff, even if simple stat counters don't show it. You kinda get a clue when a big comment shows up and not one single tracker caught a ghost of that person's existence. That is why I don't put a lot of stock in website trackers. I'm not sure analytics is any better, because they make a big deal out of possibilities that don't necessarily happen, but they could. Like Sumall telling me my mention reach exceeded 2 million last month. Just because it was possible that 2 million twitter users might have seen something I did, I'm sure not seeing evidence that anything like that actually happened.
With the logarithm projections they use, I bet George Takei's mention reach is in the billions, which is more people than actually use twitter. The person writing these stats could have just said 3 in 10 in the title because the story below says almost 4 in 10, and this is how stats are jacked around and become lies. I took stats courses in college in 2 different disciplines, sociology and resource planning (geology department), plus it showed up in math classes. Believe it or not, sociology was by far the toughest. Stats are a wonderful tool, but they're also like the porn of math, they are dolled up to sell, sell, sell, and people who haven't been disciplined to think about statistics are usually the suckers being targeted.
And then there is stuff like this. Some twitter value sites will also convert calculations to worth in hamburgers, gold, and cocaine, so it's mostly just fun. Not all value sites agree, I'm definitely worth more with this one for some reason I'm not told. I'm sure it's a gimmick trying to get me to click on an ad.
Why do I even care about this stuff? Because I'm way past the days of 'no one comments on my blog, boohoo'. I discovered a little over a year ago that 10,000 actual hits on a single blog post is still pretty sweet, even when it doesn't get a single comment. I'll take lurkers any day, but it really does help to be able to see them when I'm twiddling my thumbs wondering if something I'm doing is really worth my time and effort. It's worth my time and effort for my own entertainment, I've said repeatedly I'd still be doing all this even if I were the only one who ever saw it, but stats are icing on the cake.
This post is my brain taking a break and recharging for WORK tomorrow. I need to get back to my other stuff, laundry and dishes and cooking and stuff.